The electronic European Language Portfolio, the e-ELP, is a document based on the guidelines of the Council of Europe specified in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and intended to be used for pedagogical and informative purposes:
- It is pedagogical because it should help you plan your learning, visualize your progress and discern which methodology suits you best, thus potentiating your autonomy as a language learner and motivating you to continue learning languages throughout your life.
- It is informative, because thanks to the language passport and the dossier, you can demonstrate your knowledge of languages and provide clear and comprehensible information on your level of competence, learning profile and use of languages anywhere in Europe.
Through the e-ELP website you may also create and manage your e-ELP for the language you select. This tool allows you to access and keep your Portfolio updated from anywhere in the world. This will help you to develop critical awareness and plan your learning more easily.
The e-ELP is divided into the same three parts as the European Language Portfolio: Language Biography ( The Language Biography helps learners to plan, reflect on and assess their progress), Dossier (The Dossier is for storing evidence of the language skills, acquired both formally and informally, which have been recorded in the biography or passport) and Language Passport (The Passport section provides a summary of learners’ proficiency in different languages and is linked to the common reference levels in the CEF. Learners record their formal qualifications and language and intercultural skills, experiences and achievements. There is also a grid for self assessment).
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